The Government of Tanzania has adopted an Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS) which sets the framework for achieving the sector’s objectives and targets. An Agricultural Sector Development Programme (ASDP) Framework and Process Document, developed jointly by the five Agricultural Sector Lead Ministries (ASLMs)1, provides the overall framework and processes for implementing the ASDS. Development activities at national level are to be based on the strategic plans of the line ministries while activities at district level are to be implemented by Local Government Authorities (LGAs), based on District Agricultural Development Plans (DADPs). The DADPs are part of the broader District Development Plans (DDPs).
In line with the ASDP, the Government and Development Partners are working together in formulating a consolidated set of interventions in support of the ASDP. An increasing proportion of future Development Partners support to agricultural sector development is proposed to be provided through the ASDP Basket Fund. The interest to support the ASDP basket has been expressed in principle by the following development partners: Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the European Union (EU), Irish Aid (IA), and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the International Development Association (IDA). Other partners are expected to join at a later stage. The use of the ASDP Basket Fund is a transitional arrangement to General Budget Support (GBS).

In order  to earn enough and  affordable  yield  a  farmer whether  small or  shareholders  are encouraged  to impliment the  use  of the  Machinery  rather  than  hand tolls like  digging hoe, the MECH-DEPT  is  an  exerllent tool to did  the  same  on Agricultural machinery.


 European Union (STABEX)
8.5 2006/7-2007/8
Danish International Development Agency
Embassy of Japan
Irish Aid
World Bank
International Fund for Agricultural Development

The Ministry donate  to almost a quarter percent of the  whol;e government support on implementing a  ASDP support through a  basket fund  where donors  do contribute on a basket basis.

President of the URT,Hon.J.K.Kikwete  oversees the  Seed agency products in Nane Nane Exhibition,Dodoma,2008

Farmers get  advise and  proper food reservations  on food  conservation and  storage so as  to reduce poverty by,Mr.Frank Mgunda

 The Prime  Minister ,Mizengo Kayanza Pinda  picking  and  examine  the  detailed  on muhogo mchungu by the  ground builder on Agricultural crops MAFSC, Mama Shimba from CPS

 The objectives will be achieved through a set of complementary interventions aimed at: (i) improving the capacity of farmers, including food insecure and vulnerable groups, to more clearly articulate demand for agricultural services and to build partnerships with service providers; (ii) reforming and improving capacity of both public and private agricultural service providers to respond to demand and provide appropriate advice, services and technologies; (iii) improving the quality and quantity of public investment in physical infrastructure through more devolved,
         These are the objectives of the sub-set of sector activities to be financed by the ASDP Basket Fund supported activities
Government Programme Document
technically-sound planning and appraisal, (iv) improving market institutions, including strengthening the policy framework and coordination capacity at national level. These results will be delivered through two components: Local Level Support and National Level Support, as described below. Local level support will be formulated and implemented through District Agricultural Development Plans (DADPs), while national level support will be guided by the ASLMs Medium Term Strategic Plans.

Maize becoming  an  incumbert to most farmers in tanzania especially in southern regions,Mbeya Ruvuma and iringa.

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